Most people confused quantum computing with supercomputing and considered it the same. However, quantum computing is different from supercomputing. Both computing powers use different processes for computation.
What is the main difference between quantum computing and ordinary computing?
The concept of quantum computing was first used by Paul Benioff, a physicist and used the quantum computing in the Turing machine, in the 1980s, by presenting a mechanical model which was based on quantum computing.
The basic concept behind quantum computing is the use of probability state of an object before processing it, instead of just transferring in the shape of 1’s and 0’s. It is also the main difference between quantum computing and ordinary computing.
In ordinary computing, in case there are only two bits 1 and 0, so there will be a transfer of either 1 or 0 but not both at the same time. In case of quantum computing, these two bits will be transferred at the same time in the superposition state, which has the ability to keep both bits at a time, with having the probability of each to come out at the end of the process.
Supercomputing is also the composition of various upgrades through which the information can be processed with more speed, but the basic structure is the same 1’s and 0’s transmission but with high speed and more accuracy.
In quantum computing, these 1’s and 0’s are transfer in the shape of a qubit. Qubit also has 1’s and 0’s, but it keeps both at the same time during the process with the probability of each to be shown at the end as a result. The qubit is also considered to be in a superposition state. This uncertain state of the qubit can be used in special algorithms to solve different problems easily, which will take an ordinary computing a very long time to work out.
For example, a user wants to send four bits number through ordinary computing, so there are sixteen combinations of four bits, in which we just need one, and during the transfer of these 16 bits, all were different and had one particular bits sequence. In case of quantum computing, transfer of 16 bits contains 16 qubits in a superposition state, and all the qubits will be all those 16 combinations at once and will depend on the probability orders to show one as a result.