Typically, most websites provide a search box where a visitor can search for their keywords. However, such search option often does not help much. It also does not spit out files (such as PDF, Excel, etc.) which are available on the site.
Google can help get links from any particular website. The operator ‘site:’ is used to extract information from some a website.
If a person writes just the website name or domain name with a keyword in the Google search bar, it will return a lot of results which will be related to that website. However, the results will be limited, and most of the time, it would show where the domain name was mentioned.
To narrow down results to just a specific website ‘site:’ operator is used. For example, a person wants to obtain some information about the iPad 4 from ‘apple.com’. If he just adds apple.com in Google with iPad 4, the return results will encompass just little bit information from the apple website. Then after that, there will be information related to other sites which mentioned Apple products etc. The best way would be to write ‘site:’ operator before ‘apple.com’, and it will return the results just from ‘apple.com’. The entered syntax should look like [site:apple.com iPad 4]. This will narrow down the search results and help eliminate unnecessary websites.
If you want to find about coronavirus on WHO website and want to see what information about coronavirus is available in the PDF format on the site. You can use the following syntax
site:who.int coronavirus filetype:pdf