The term TRIAC stand for triode for alternating current (AC). TRAIC is a three-terminal semiconductor device commonly used in alternating current (AC) circuits for the control of current flow. Alongside with SCR, the TRAIC is the most commonly used member in thyristor family.
TRIAC can pass the current in forward and reverse direction, which ensures that both conditions of the gate signal can be positive and negative. DIAC is also used in the circuit in conjunction with TRIAC for reducing the level of harmonic. It has also replaced SCR due to its bidirectional conductivity in many control applications.
They are used in many applications except high power switching application because of non-symmetrical characteristics. With electromagnetic interference in high power application, they create a range of complications. However, they are used in many AC power applications for various purposes.
TRIACs appear to be used in small to medium power electronic switching application, allowing thyristors to be used for very heat-duty AC control switching applications.